How To Cut Video In Premiere Pro

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This article will guide those of you who want to cut videos and combine videos using the Adobe Premiere Pro application.

The Adobe Premiere Pro application is indeed a very good application for editing videos, many people are already professionals.

How To Cut Video In Premiere Pro ?

For people who are already proficient in using Adobe Premiere, maybe cutting and merging videos is an easy task, but for those who are just learning, it is of course a little difficult.

This article is specifically for people who are just learning, taps, you are already a professional, you can skip this article.

Steps to cut and combine videos using Adobe Premiere Pro

Pay close attention to these steps, don’t miss anything.

1. Open the Adobe Premiere Pro application

2. New Project

3. Create a Project Name Then Ok

4. Import Video

5. Drag Videos Into Squence

6. Select Razor Tool – Click on the part of the video you want to cut, the video will become several parts then delete the part of the video you want to remove

7. Drag And Merge Videos Using Your Mouse

Hopefully this tutorial on how to cut and merge videos was helpful.